There is so much advice out there about what to eat and what not to eat that it leaves many to be confused and not sure what to do about diet and weight loss.


For years, we have heard that the best way to lose weight was to cut out fats from our diet.


The Standard American Diet is heavy on red meat, dairy products, processed foods, artificially sweetened foods, and light on fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.


The Standard American Diet has led to an increase in obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. (However, these recommendations seem to be working out very well for the pharmaceutical companies that are profiting off of sick Americans due to these dietary recommendations.)


64.5% of all Americans are overweight because we are eating too much, and we are eating the wrong foods.


Eating higher amounts of carbohydrates will put you in a state of not feeling full. You are on what I call the “blood sugar rollercoaster.” When you eat something that has high carbs, your blood sugar will spike and then it will crash back down. As it comes back down, you feel hungry again because your blood sugar gets low. Then you eat more carbs and the cycle repeats.


The real answer to getting control over your appetite and weight is to control your blood sugar, so that you are not constantly spiking your blood sugar and crashing. Eating good, healthy fats will not spike and crash blood sugar the way carbs will.


Good fats help you to feel full longer. When the fats are digested and get to your small intestine, two hormones are released that play a major role in appetite regulation and satiety.


In addition, your body can use either fat or carbohydrates for fuel to generate energy. When your body burns glucose as its primary fuel, it inhibits your body’s ability to access and burn body fat. Therefore, when you eat fewer carbs, you will flip the switch to burn fat.


When your body is able to burn fat for fuel, your liver creates water-soluble fats called ketones that burn fat more efficiently than carbs.


Ketones decrease inflammation, improve glucose metabolism and aid the building of muscle mass.


To effectively burn fat, you need as much as 50 to 85% of your daily calories to come from beneficial monounsaturated and saturated fats.


Some examples of good fats to include in your diet are:

  • Olives and olive oil
  • Grass-fed meats
  • Coconut oil
  • Organic egg yolks (from Pasteur raised chickens)
  • Butter (raw and grass-fed)
  • Avocados
  • Ghee



If you are looking for some guidance on getting  off of the blood sugar roller coaster and learning a better, healthier way of eating, click here for more information about my Let It Go 7 Day Detox: Release Excess Weight Naturally program that I will be starting on April 9, 2018.