Your Thyroid Health And Cortisol
Cortisol is more commonly known as the stress hormone. It is released by the adrenal glands upon signals from the HPA, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal, and it [...]
Yoga For Thyroid Health
Because the thyroid has such wide-ranging effect on your body, trouble in the thyroid will also disturb most of your bodily functions. Thyroid dysfunction may occur in [...]
Vitamin D and Your Thyroid
There is a secret collaboration between vitamin D and your thyroid that you may not even be aware of. Not only do the receptors for vitamin D [...]
Toxins That May Destroy Your Thyroid
The thyroid is considered the “heart” of your endocrine system. Since it is one of your biggest endocrine glands, it has the important task of secreting hormones [...]
Foods To Make Your Thyroid Happy
Your thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck, but it has more influence over you than you could ever imagine. It [...]
The Reasons Why Your Thyroid Might Not Be Working
Have you ever wondered why your thyroid may not be working? Millions of people suffer from thyroid conditions, but many of them are not aware of it. [...]