Everything You Need To Know About Omega-3

There’s a lot of talk about healthy fats these days. People are including more fat in their diets and forgetting about the fat-free diet crazes of the past. You’ve probably heard about omega fats in the mix, but what exactly are they? What are Omega Fats? Do they all perform the same function in our [...]

By |2019-12-12T12:17:13-05:00May 21st, 2019|Health, Nutrition, Thyroid|Comments Off on Everything You Need To Know About Omega-3

What Makes a Food Processed?

One of the best things that you can do to heal your gut and reverse your thyroid condition is to eliminate processed foods from your diet. The world of food can be so confusing at times. There was a time when it was clear what food was - it came directly from nature - whether [...]

By |2019-12-12T12:13:41-05:00March 5th, 2019|Health, Nutrition, Thyroid|Comments Off on What Makes a Food Processed?

Your Health & Wellness in 2019: Setting Goals

Are you planning to improve your health and wellness goals in 2019? If the past year hasn’t gone quite as you planned on the health and wellbeing front, the New Year is a great time to think about where you’d like to be - both this time next year and much further down the line. [...]

By |2019-12-05T16:12:05-05:00December 11th, 2018|Health, Thyroid|Comments Off on Your Health & Wellness in 2019: Setting Goals

How to Avoid New Year Party Weight Gain

If you’ve made it through the festive season without putting weight on, you don’t want to undo your hard work by going crazy at New Year parties instead. Any extra pounds you put on at this time of year can be very difficult to shift and could take months to lose. Scary thought, right? Taking [...]

By |2019-12-05T16:12:09-05:00December 11th, 2018|Health, Thyroid|Comments Off on How to Avoid New Year Party Weight Gain

How To Know If You Have A Thyroid Issue

It is quite natural for us all to struggle with feeling blue and losing weight or even gaining weight at times. It can also be said that many of us are so busy that it can be difficult for us to do exercise or do some yoga. But if you are struggling with any of [...]

By |2019-12-12T12:06:05-05:00December 4th, 2015|Health, Thyroid|Comments Off on How To Know If You Have A Thyroid Issue

The Power 3 Nutrients For Healthy Thyroid Function

Thyroid function is powerful and far-reaching. It is in control of our most vital functions and organs such as the heart, brain, liver, kidney, and skin. It is also responsible for healthy and balanced human growth and development. As widespread as the areas where the thyroid reigns are, the causes and triggers of thyroid dysfunction [...]

By |2019-12-12T12:06:13-05:00December 10th, 2014|Health, Thyroid|Comments Off on The Power 3 Nutrients For Healthy Thyroid Function

Avoid Unhealthy Foods For Your Thyroid

Millions of people suffer from common forms of thyroid conditions. Women are more likely than men to develop some type of thyroid condition, but many are not even aware they are suffering from it until it begins to severely affect their lives. These conditions can range from an overactive or underactive thyroid condition, and medication [...]

By |2019-12-12T12:06:20-05:00December 10th, 2014|Thyroid|Comments Off on Avoid Unhealthy Foods For Your Thyroid
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