Collagen supplements have become increasingly popular in the clean-eating movement, and for all the right reasons.  It has proven to help women who have thyroid conditions, too.

It’s common with hypothyroidism to experience low energy, low metabolism, dry skin, digestive issues, and joint pain. 

Not only does collagen provide protein for soothing achy joints and nutrients for rejuvenating your skin, but they may also improve your gut health and boost your energy levels, as well. Including collagen supplements in my daily routine has had major benefits for my energy and overall health. Here are a few more ways they can help you, too:


  1. Energy and Metabolic Boost

Supplementing your diet with collagen may help boost your metabolism and raise your energy levels. The amino acid glycine in collagen helps transfer sugar to cellular tissue, resulting in increased energy levels and better muscle development. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so there is a good chance you will see an increase in your metabolism.

  1. Healthy Skin 

Some health professionals consider collagen “the closest thing to the fountain of youth.” Of the many benefits of taking collagen, anti-aging is the most popular one. The amino acids in collagen (proline, glycine, alanine, and hydroxyproline) improve your skin’s elasticity and appearance, reducing the signs of aging. For younger, healthier looking skin, add 1-2 scoops of collagen supplement to your smoothie or coffee each morning.

  1. Aids in Digestion

Collagen may also help heal and soothe the digestive tract by repairing its mucous lining. It promotes better food digestion by breaking down protein and fats. To maximize its digestive benefits, add 1 scoop of collagen supplement to a pre-meal beverage. This will facilitate increased protein absorption as well as hydrochloric acid production and overall better digestive function.

  1. Weight Loss 

Collagen supplements provide a whopping nine grams of protein per scoop. Moreover, that protein has been shown to be more satisfying to your appetite than soy or whey proteins. As a result, you are more likely to eat less and be on your way to better weight loss.  Try adding two scoops of your collagen supplement to your morning smoothie.

  1. Healthy Joints and Bones

The amino acids in collagen supplements may help repair tissue while reducing inflammation and relieving joint pain. One of these acids, glycine, may also accelerate joint recovery. Collagen supplements may promote bone density by stimulating the osteoblasts, which are the cells responsible for bone formation. To relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation, and build bone density, add 2 scoops of your collagen supplement to your morning smoothie.

Collagen supplements have helped take my healthy lifestyle to a new level. Not only do I have more energy but my body and joints have never felt better!

Watch my free training, “The Surprising Solution Women Are Using To Successfully Manage Their Thyroid Conditions Naturally”. 

Download my FREE 5-Day Thyroid Recovery Plan. You will get information about how to reverse your thyroid condition and a meal plan and thyroid friendly recipes for 5 days.

Join my free Facebook group for help with reversing thyroid conditions here.
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