It is quite natural for us all to struggle with feeling blue and losing weight or even gaining weight at times. It can also be said that many of us are so busy that it can be difficult for us to do exercise or do some yoga. 


But if you are struggling with any of those symptoms on a daily basis, it might be linked to poor performance in your thyroid gland. Almost 25 million Americans are living with thyroid disease, with 50% of those unaware they have it. And most of these sufferers are women. 

What is the thyroid? This is a butterfly-shaped gland that is found in the front, centermost part of the neck. This is about midway and in between the underneath part of the chin and the dip at the base of the neck in front. 

The thyroid serves as the thermostat of the body and regulates temperature, energy, and metabolism. It is also responsible for controlling everything from your menstrual cycles to your mood. Poor thyroid function is divided into three types: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and autoimmune thyroid diseases. 

How To Know If You Have a Thyroid Issue

How To Know If You Have a Thyroid Issue

How do you know if you have a thyroid issue? There is a wide range of symptoms that will provide clues if your thyroid over-functioning or under-functioning. 

Weight Struggles

Your thyroid might be to blame with regard to your weight struggles. It can be the culprit if you have tried exercise and diet without success. On the other hand, losing substantial amounts of weight may be a potential sign of hyperthyroidism. It never hurts to visit your doctor for some blood work.

Energy Issues

If you have a thyroid issue, you often have energy issues. When your thyroid is running poorly, you may also experience more fatigue than usual. Low energy is a common symptom of a poorly functioning thyroid. If you have an overactive thyroid, you will feel more agitated than usual. 

Sleep Issues

Your thyroid can have a significant effect on your sleep. With a low functioning thyroid, you may feel like you sleep way more than the usual but still wake up feeling not relaxed and unrested. It also feels like you have dream-disrupting or poor sleep. If, on the other hand, you feel like you are very, very active, this can also be a sign of a hyperactive thyroid or an adrenal overdrive.

Mood Swings

Hyperthyroidism is a type of thyroid condition that may make you feel blue for no apparent reason. It will make you feel down or even depressed. If you feel angry, irritable, or more worked up than usual, it might mean that your thyroid is hyperactive. 

Low or High Appetite

If you have a low functioning thyroid, you may experience an increase in your appetite. This is due to the fact that your dialed-down metabolism is signaling your brain that you do not have enough fuel to burn. Low thyroid function will lead you to crave more carbs and sugar for energy in an attempt to overcome fatigue.

If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, it may benefit you to visit your doctor for some blood work. (Take this free Thyroid Checklist to your doctor to make sure you are getting all of the necessary blood work. Download the checklist here.)

Thyroid irregularity can be treated and many people are able to function as well, if not better, once the issue has been identified.


You do not have to live with a low functioning thyroid; start paying attention to your body now to see if there are areas you can help it perform better!


Watch my free training, “The Surprising Solution Women Are Using To Successfully Manage Their Thyroid Conditions Naturally”. 

Download my FREE 5-Day Thyroid Recovery Plan. You will get information about how to reverse your thyroid condition and a meal plan and thyroid friendly recipes for 5 days.

Join my free Facebook group for help with reversing thyroid conditions here.

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